ஞாயிறு, டிசம்பர் 26, 2010

Is there any truth to this?

When we were in LPM labs some of our classmates mentioned that in order to get rid of their moles they had to use the குதிரையின் வால் முடி. One is supposed to take one hair out of the horse's tail, place it around the base of the mole and tie a knot tight around it and apparently it would fall off. If one uses the hair of any other species it apparently does not work as well. So according to some of our classmates there were certain fellows trying to pluck a hair out of some of the NCC horses'tails that were kept in the stables at MVC. I don't know if they got kicked or not.
Alternatively another method that was suggested involved the use of liquid nitrogen from AGB AI clinics that was used to store the frozen straws. Some of our classmates claimed that using a bit of the liquid nitrogen on the mole would remove it in a fast and painless manner. The rumor was someone in our AB batch actually used this and got rid of their mole. Perhaps some of our readers could give more details on the story.

4 கருத்துகள்:

  1. Ya..I too remember V.P.Anbazhagan used to apply LN2 for a girl who was coming to Kumbakonam Vet Hospital for treating wart in the Knee.He was so broad minded to take care of her wart than trating animals in the internship.

  2. Dear Gujili,
    It is not mole, it is wart. The pricinciple is cut the blood supply, when you tie a horse's hair or a thread at the base of the wart, it stops blood supply and thereby the wart sloughs off or falls off. I still practice it in some of our horses if the wart is big enough. If it is small i cauterise it with red-hot iron needles,instead of hot iron we can use a needle dipped in liquid nitrogen. i have seen in some camels when the udder has to be removed, the nomads tie a thread at the base or uppermost end of the affected quarter of the udder, the part below becomes gangrenous and sloughs off.

  3. Karayan - Thanks for the information. I was aware of the basic principle of cutting off blood supply, however I was just wondering about why horse tail and not other species. Some of our classmates swore that it has to be horse's tail and not any other species. BTW some of our classmates claimed they had not only used it on warts but also large moles.
