ஏதோ தெரியல இந்த படத்தை பார்த்தவுடன் எனக்கு ஹோசூர் மத்திகிரி பண்ணையில் ஒரு பாழடைந்த கிணறு இருக்கும் தினமும் எங்களில் பெரும்பாலோனோர் அங்குதான் குளிக்க செல்வோம், காலை உணவை வயிறு முட்ட சாப்பிட்டு விட்டு பத்து மணிக்கு கிளம்பி மதிய உணவு நேரம் வரை ஆட்டம் பாட்டம் என குளித்து மகிழ்ந்தது நினைவுக்கு வந்து விட்டது...பசுமையான நினைவுகள் வந்து அலை மோதியது...
தயவு செய்து வேறு எதுவும் நினைக்க வேண்டாம்....
Idhil thawaraaga ninaikka enna irukkiradhu.Dress pottuttu thaan kulitthom.Andha kinatril ,tennis ball waithu wilaiyattu were.Thirumbi wandhadhum,fulla sappittu wittu ,tho rupya cards alladhu carrom wilayattu.Cricket wera.Adukkikonde pogalaam.
No bhai, may be someone think it is maaveeran"...."the great taking bath, along with some of us....
One afternoon, I remember going with Pottu and Lydi and Bama and a few others, us pengal of course, to this huge kuzhaai that was irrigating the surrounding fields and kuzhichified to our heart's content there. The amount of water coming out of that was like a mini waterfall, it was glorious. We did this during mid afternoon as it was too cold in the morning to go out in Hosur. And of course we bathed with ALL our clothes on. The farmer or whoever it was incharge of that pump happened to see us and he chased us away. This was located on the way to the director's mansion which had a huge banyan tree in the center where we used the ooonjal. It was not that hot so we didn't get that dry and so we then came back soaking wet to the hostel. I don't recall if GFK was with us or not because avargal mostly was in the world of mani konaar constantly meditating and dreaming!!
Yes ..I too remember taken free bath in the well at Hosur as it is similar to our village lake and well bath I enjoyed swimming in groups.
பதிலளிநீக்குOne more thing at Hosur I remember is the GILLI tournaments started against Cricket as we were experts in Gilli that time.