இது தான் என்னுடைய கண்கண்ட தெய்வம் - for some reason I remember that in Hosur our folks decided that my better half was going to be named Philip. So our classmates kept referring to Gujili and Philip. WHo knows who this Philip was!! Perhaps karayan can enlighten us on that..

Niagara at night. In the summer during Canadian holidays and on weekends they shine lights on the Niagara falls from across theborder making the falls look even more spectacular.

niagara with rainbow

niagara at day
ஆவணி மாதம் நாங்கள் Niagara falls இற்கு சென்றிருந்தோம். எங்கள் ஊரிலிருந்து 5 மணிநேர பயணம் தான். நமது நண்பர்களின் வேண்டு கோளின் படி வெள்ளை காரர் களையும் சேர்த்த எடுத்த படங்களை போஸ்ட் செய்துள்ளேன்.
these pics are amazing.i love niagara falls.GFK
பதிலளிநீக்குThanks GFK.. I just got really lucky with the times of day and the shots..Have you seen the falls at night? Considering I have been there many many times I had never seen it at night. It was Candadian labor day so in addition to the lights they had spectacular fireworks. THe fireworks with the lights was even more gorgeous..But pictures still can't do any justification to the true beauty!
Hi gujili
பதிலளிநீக்குI have seen Niagara falls at all possible times of day and year.we were there for july4 and also stayed on the canadian side in a hotel overlooking the falls.the view was breathtaking .on the whole thanks to our frequent trips to bufallo i can say Niagara Falls is one place i am very knowledgeable abt.
பதிலளிநீக்குI mentioned vellaikarigal, it is disppointing that you have not included them in the photographs. It is nice to see Mr.Philip after nearly twenty years, he is the same i imagined two decades ago. Smart, Tall, well built, Atheletic.
Hi Gujili..
பதிலளிநீக்குThese pics are spectacular. Especially Niagra with rainbow shot is mind blowing.
Also nice to see you and your KKD. Seems to be lovely and passionate couple.
Keep posting such lovely pictures.
OK folks - I shall post some with vellaikarigal not just vellaikarangal... I have several of those. OK, nice to know who Philip is, I suppose some people don't lose their athletic build even after 20 yrs, haha!! Yeah Philip is a big dude and some of our basketball and baseball players here at the university want to look like that. Oh what can I say - ikkaraiky akkarai is always pachai! Thanks for the comments chocks - am not so sure about the love and passion hahaha... those are overrated, don't you think? MSK and all of you are welcome to come anytime and we will take you places, not a problem!
பதிலளிநீக்குOru mariya,KKD yai engalukku kaanbithuwittai.
Walga walamudan.
yeah bhai - Believe it or not we don't have too many pictures of us because my KKD does not like his picture taken and neither do I. So this one of the few that we have. Thanks for the vazhthukkal.