சனி, ஏப்ரல் 16, 2011

Feed requirements of Kundan-3

Feeding dry Buffaloes 

Dry and non-pregnant  need to be fed a maintenance ration. Requirements for a 400 kg  are 0.25 kg DCP, 3.0 kg TDN or 10.8 Mcal of ME, 17 g calcium and 13 g phosphorus. Feeding 25 kg of green maize or good quality sorghum containing one per cent DCP, 14 per cent TDN or 60 Mcal ME, 0.6 g calcium and 0.5 g phosphorus per kg of green fodder, meets requirements, as does eight kg of green berseem or lucerne and 5.5 kg of straw. When wheat straw with 1.5 kg of balanced concentrate mixture or 800 g of groundnut cake is fed, the ration is sufficient to maintain the animal. Straw plus Leucaena leaf in a ratio of 65:35 would maintain a dry buffaloe.


2 கருத்துகள்: