திங்கள், ஜூன் 15, 2009

சென்னை நட்சத்திரங்களிடம் இன்னும் மூச்சு உள்ளதா?

அன்பார்ந்த நண்பர்களே, நமது ப்ளோகில் எழுத யாருக்கும் நேரம் இல்லையா?
கோடை கால விடுமுறை யாதலால் அங்கும் இங்கும் ட்ரிப் செய்து கொண்டிருக்கிறோம். எல்லோரும் நலம் தானா? சமயம் கிடைத்தால் கதைகள் எழுதவும்..

3 கருத்துகள்:

  1. Dear gujili,
    thanks for the post. I was down with viral fever and the last fifteen days was very difficult for me, too many problems at the same time, we had herpes virus outbreak in the adult animals and Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals. Added to that i had viral fever and my blood pressure went very low. It was very difficult, but i came out well and now i am fine. I was expecting birthday wishes from you all on 13th june(haa haa joking). from now we shall be blogging.....

  2. Dear Karaiyan,
    Sorry to hear about u'r health issues but nice to know that you are back to normal. Belated birthday wishes!!
    Looking forward to reading the blogs...

  3. Dear K,
    Happy to note that you'd recovered.Getting afflicted by 'Viral Fever' is a nightmare esply in Gulf wherein one gets some strange symptoms.I wish K and all a healthy life.
    Doctor Bhai.
